Sunday, April 1, 2012

Grumpy obit

Rat Trap - Leadfoot Festival - New Zealand

This video is pretty wild. Apparently Ron Hope and the rest of the Rat Trap crew were in New Zealand to participate in an event called the Leadfoot Festival. From what we can discern this is a Goodwood type of deal where all different types of killer cars go to town on a road type course. Sure, a Fuel Altered isn’t exactly is most road going vehicle in the world, but what could really go wrong? Smoke the tires, blip the throttle a few times and put on a show for the fans. Remember, Bob Riggle drove the Hemi Under Glass up Goodwood years ago, so this isn’t exactly uncharted territory.
Well, as you’ll see in the video Hope smokes the tires and then the car fails to adequately respond to his steering inputs, putting him off the course and on a collision course with some big trees. Like a true fuel altered pilot, he whacks the throttle again and misses the trees but head right toward a swamp/pond. The car apparently rolls onto its side and stops prior to meeting liquid.
Word is that the car is already on a shipping container headed home for repairs. This sucks and is a total freak deal, but the video is totally crazy.
